The Shoutbox
I guess the sun ain't gonna shine any more soon, only Gary left now.
A sad day.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If this keeps up I'm going to have to make negative popcorn ratings.
Please do so.

I want to give Dudley Do-Right what it so rightfully deserves.
Originally Posted by gandalf26
Trump didn't collude!!
This is true.

And it's been truly a sad affair watching all of this occur

Because Democrats are now literally and figuratively becoming an obstructionist self-harm party of political fantasy. They now exist solely for entertainment purposes, under direction of the unelected media who masquerade as a political body. These people are incapable of rational thought. They are absolutely convinced they are correct. Nothing you say and no amount of contrary evidence can convince them otherwise. It's sad really. They're in a dogmatic prison enforced by a religious cult. They can't escape without harm.

The Mueller Investigations final stats: 19 Lawyers, 40 FBI agents, analysts, forensic accountants, and assorted professionals, 2800 subpoenas issued, 500 search warrants, 230 Orders of Communication records, 50 orders authorizing the use of pen registers, 13 requests to foreign governments, 500 Witnesses interviewed, and yet zero evidence for any collusion that would impeach him. They literally wasted 30 million dollars and 2 years, just to make themselves look like absolute retards.

Best way to beat Trump is to let his term play out, so they can prepare for 2020. And yet... they just cant help themselves. From what I've witnessed over the course of nearly 3 years, is that Democrats hedged the parties future for the next election on the success of this investigation. They've now lost the farm. Its over. And theyre continuing to beat the dead horse - trying to convict the president on new charges of tax fraud.

That said, Trump is far from a president of integrity and honor. Trump really could have gone down as a pretty good president if he had stayed true to all of his campaign promises, while acting like a man with integrity and dignity. Instead, he immediately broke the nepotism "law", by bringing in his little princess and her shill hubby - and then proceeding to hire every globalist they told him to hire, and reverse all his campaign promises, whilst following the typical Republican agenda. Not to mention being an absolute pussy with regards to the wall and the invasion this country is enduring.

And his tweets are beyond pathetic. This is a man that is the leader of the greatest country on earth. He shows no dignity, no integrity, no class, and no wisdom. Hes a moronic, loud mouth, neo-con boomer who's a shill for Israel and big businesses.
Originally Posted by John McClane
I ordered a pair of the new AirPods. I feel dirty.
I just had an article about the battery life pop up.

You'll have to report back what your experience is like.
I was lucky enough to sit next a young Celtics fan wearing a Kyrie Irving jersey.

I basically regurgitated all of Bill Simmons talking points and asked what he was gonna do with that jersey when Kyrie leaves after the season.
In addition to the West Coast Wonder, they had the guy who voiced NBA Jam doing spots during the night.

He looked exactly like you think he would.
The Hornets did a throwback night on Saturday. Halftime show was Coolio. Such a throwback, he forgot the words to his own song.
I rarely check the shoutbox.

Now I remember why.

If this keeps up I'm going to have to make negative popcorn ratings.
My Boy!
Trolling still topping out at