The Shoutbox
He's BLESSED with a great voice.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Narrated by Brian Blessed no less (so do remember to turn the volume to low if watching at home).


Boomiest voice ever!
Ah .... Last RADA - an excellent documentary about the sad decline and eventual demise of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

Very surprised the normally über-erudite yin-wootf did not already ken this work of art. Narrated by Brian Blessed no less (so do remember to turn the volume to low if watching at home).

Originally Posted by matt72582
"LA STRADA" on TCM at 10:30pm ET TONIGHT!
I appreciate matt's unintentional reminders that I don't have access to TCM and all the good movies it provides.
Originally Posted by John McClane
But an addiction is addicting only if you're addicted to addictions

You haven't been adamantly adding adderall all-day, have you?
Fig Newtons. When you want to take the gingerbread house to the next level.

And actually make something edible.
*channeling my inner chai P'meunkt*
What's a Rada? And what happened to all the others?
"LA STRADA" on TCM at 10:30pm ET TONIGHT!
I like Fig Newtons, they got me into eating dried figs which are delicious...and finally into eating fresh figs, which are real expensive and not always easy to find, but good too.
Fig Newtons are good. Anyone remember the commercials for them back in the 80's - where they'd break it apart and then move it back together seamlessly, as if the cookie outer shell was this pliable entity? It got me curious. I ate some and tried this. It worked!