The Shoutbox
You're also like a 15 minute walk from work, yeah?
Originally Posted by Optimus
Originally Posted by Sedai
I don't have to be to work until 8:30, but I get up hours before that to relax, read and have coffee etc.
When you say hours.... 5,6,7am?

6am sharp! Sometimes maybe 6:05
hatesesses dirty, filthy morninsess.....
Originally Posted by Sedai
I don't have to be to work until 8:30, but I get up hours before that to relax, read and have coffee etc.
When you say hours.... 5,6,7am?
I have tried my hardest to force myself out of bed early to do the same thing, but every morning I cling to my bed like Trump clings to his wall.
I don't have to be to work until 8:30, but I get up hours before that to relax, read and have coffee etc.
I like mornings, but I haven't been called upon to be at work before 8am in 3 years. It has made me soft. Weak. So, so weak.
My condolences.
I have somehow become a morning person. Never thought it would happen!
Mornings are painful.
Uenga, Uenga!