The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues
Almost 8 billion people on this planet and those persons think there situations worth dying for.
You imply all Earthlings except you (and a few others?) think their situation is worth dying for.

What is your situation worth for?
Almost 8 billion people on this planet and those persons think there situations worth dying for.
SNL and the Christmas ornament skit offer glimmers of possibilities.

And Pete Davidson. Who cares? Let's think about all of the forgotten people down in a hole. I can see a celebrity obsessed youth thinking suicide is an option from hearing stories like these. Then again, that's what I get for turning on a news channel.

Don't ever give up. Even when there is no hope, there is a will to push forward that exists in all of us. All of your strength has to come from within before anything else.
Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues
I actually know how to make shoes, I've worked on a shoe plant for some time, very beautiful job, the environment is not the best, but is a beautiful art, I plan on doing it again.

DDL confirmed MoFo account.
Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues
I'm also like Werner Herzog when It comes to party, they invite I don't go, trash conversations and load music is just not for me, I invite them and I cook for them.
I was with you until there. There is something to be said for fellowship "not on your terms".

At the same time, there is an age we get to.
Originally Posted by Iroquois

I think I might give the edge to Bronson when it comes to picking a favourite, and there's quite a bit to be said for Valhalla Rising as well. Still haven't managed to see the Pusher movies yet.
Reinforcing the story of denim.

I completely forgot about those. I liked them both, above God and Demon.
I actually know how to make shoes, I've worked on a shoe plant for some time, very beautiful job, the environment is not the best, but is a beautiful art, I plan on doing it again.
Talking about shoes, I'm lucky on that aspect, Portugal make the best shoes there is, sometimes you think you are wearing Italian made shoes and they actually are made in Portugal with Italian design. I can spend 40 euros on shoes that you would pay four times more somewhere else, they also last very long, they don't fall apart with holes and all that, the leather gets deformed eventually but that's normal. Also here you pay very little for a shoemaker intervention.
Originally Posted by MijaFrost
I walk so much that my shoes wear out six months after I purchase them... and I pay around $80 a pair and often spend weeks looking for the right fit, so they're not supposed to be "cheaply made."

But yeah, being practical/frugal is something I respect. (Though the poor man needs someone to buy him a new suit.) I've had my laptop for over eight years. I'm on my third mobile phone in that time, though. It's like the software is only built to last three years maximum... I hope it's not the same case with my current phone since it cost well over $1000.
I'm not so cheap, my colleges say I am, because I don't like to spend money on unnecessary things. I'm also like Werner Herzog when It comes to party, they invite I don't go, trash conversations and load music is just not for me, I invite them and I cook for them. My laptop I had it for 12 years, was a Fujitsu Amilo Pro, unfortunately it broke down and I bought another computer for 180€ used, a Lenovo Thinkpad. My cellphone is a Nokia 3310, the new ones, and before that was a flip-phone I had to put aside because I needed something with a camera for my type of work. I just spend money on clothes, and because they are so cheap they don't last long. The only thing I'm careful on buying are my Nag Champa and proper food. Oh, I drive a Fiat 126 for some time, I love it.
Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues
I was reading about Werner Herzog and that guy might be as cheap as Will Ferrell. He have one suit which he used for the last 25 years, one pair of shoes that his being using for the last 3 years, a car for the last 12 years and no cellphone. I don't know why I'm shocked really, I kinda get that impression from his movies.
I walk so much that my shoes wear out six months after I purchase them... and I pay around $80 a pair and often spend weeks looking for the right fit, so they're not supposed to be "cheaply made."

But yeah, being practical/frugal is something I respect. (Though the poor man needs someone to buy him a new suit.) I've had my laptop for over eight years. I'm on my third mobile phone in that time, though. It's like the software is only built to last three years maximum... I hope it's not the same case with my current phone since it cost well over $1000.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by Iroquois
I think it might also be a case where the more of Refn's films I watch, the less impressive Drive seems in retrospect.
I like Only God Forgives , but not an easy watch. Neon Demon was attractive, but not an easy watch. The Pusher movies were great.

I know Drive might not be arthouse enough, but it seems complete. Mysterious leading man, love story, revenge and Cliff Martinez on ...I'm not even tryna spell that thing.
I think I might give the edge to Bronson when it comes to picking a favourite, and there's quite a bit to be said for Valhalla Rising as well. Still haven't managed to see the Pusher movies yet.