The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Iroquois
I think it might also be a case where the more of Refn's films I watch, the less impressive Drive seems in retrospect.
I like Only God Forgives , but not an easy watch. Neon Demon was attractive, but not an easy watch. The Pusher movies were great.

I know Drive might not be arthouse enough, but it seems complete. Mysterious leading man, love story, revenge and Cliff Martinez on ...I'm not even tryna spell that thing.
Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues
What is Obamacare? Medical care is free in my country and in Europe, I don't know how it works in the US. If it's like Angola they let people die on the hospital's doors and they let them rot, they actually remove faster a dog corpse from the street.
I know of a local mechanic here, who is a staunch Republican and anti-Obama, was grateful for Obamacare.

His wife got cancer, he would have gone bankrupt and lost his business.

I'm not gonna speak on much more than that.
I’m still meaning to get organezized.
I think everyone feels like Travis Bickle at some point
The Neon Demon is more stunning each time I watch it. Beauty eats itself.
I think it might also be a case where the more of Refn's films I watch, the less impressive Drive seems in retrospect.
Drive is one of those films I really dug at first but am genuinely worried will not hold up in the slightest if I ever re-watch it again (especially in the wake of having seen The Driver, from which it borrows quite liberally). Also, it was weird finding out that Carey Mulligan's character was originally Latina so it's also like "what".
What is Obamacare? Medical care is free in my country and in Europe, I don't know how it works in the US. If it's like Angola they let people die on the hospital's doors and they let them rot, they actually remove faster a dog corpse from the street.
so at the risk of being too political (feel free to delete my shout if it is)

Obamacare yay or nay
I was reading about Werner Herzog and that guy might be as cheap as Will Ferrell. He have one suit which he used for the last 25 years, one pair of shoes that his being using for the last 3 years, a car for the last 12 years and no cellphone. I don't know why I'm shocked really, I kinda get that impression from his movies.
Jesus that webpage is fantastic, Jesus.