The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Iroquois
The topic of Christmas avatars has made me remember that there is a movie on Netflix right now that has Kurt Russell playing Santa Claus but we'll see if I bother doing anything about that (especially since the dominant criteria is "one of your trademark avatars but with something Christmas-y haphazardly shopped in").
Not ashamed to say I watched that movie already and loved it.
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Anyone else think Christmas is sort of a bad movie genre?
Big Negative. There are plenty of bad genres, but the christmas ones are almost always passable at least.
Al Swearengen is clearly a transporter duplicate of Gul, Dukat, created during a pulled time travel episode of DS9. Clearly.
That little green guy looks like he's the MVP of any party he goes to.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
make me one
It's fart oo late for that...

Originally Posted by The Rodent
Originally Posted by Iroquois
The topic of Christmas avatars has made me remember that there is a movie on Netflix right now that has Kurt Russell playing Santa Claus but we'll see if I bother doing anything about that (especially since the dominant criteria is "one of your trademark avatars but with something Christmas-y haphazardly shopped in").

I guess I could photobomb Snake's cigarette with a candy cane.
Don't commit to it when there's no guarantee I'll go through with it.
Anyone else think Christmas is sort of a bad movie genre?
Originally Posted by Iroquois
The topic of Christmas avatars has made me remember that there is a movie on Netflix right now that has Kurt Russell playing Santa Claus but we'll see if I bother doing anything about that (especially since the dominant criteria is "one of your trademark avatars but with something Christmas-y haphazardly shopped in").

I guess I could photobomb Snake's cigarette with a candy cane.