The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
Slow day....I guess everyone is out Christmas shopping early
I do my Christmas shopping in January when the sales are on.
Slow day....I guess everyone is out Christmas shopping early
And they are probably some of the best crooootonnes I've ever had.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Originally Posted by doubledenim
I may be the first person to ever make croutons out of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. For the record.
You gon die.
They weren't glazed. I'm not a complete animal .
Always thought Byrne sounded like Robin Williams signing, particular on "Once in a Lifetime."
Originally Posted by doubledenim
I may be the first person to ever make croutons out of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. For the record.
You gon die.
I may be the first person to ever make croutons out of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. For the record.
Originally Posted by Austruck
Originally Posted by Iroquois
...yourself living in a shotgun shack. Or another part of the world. Or behind the wheel of a large automobile. Or in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife, at which point you may ask yourself "how did I get here?"
NICE twist. One of my favorite TH songs.
I realize everything is subjective and I wonder if it's just me that really thinks 80's pop music is the best ever...Then I watch a couple of those videos.
Originally Posted by Violetlvr
Originally Posted by Sedai
Sure is!

Been gobbling up a lot of horror flicks already over in this neck of the spooky woods.
Rockin! Do u know why people hate Pet Sematary II
Because Anthony Edwards wasn't ER famous yet?
I like Pet Sematary. It's a well made film.The mood is crazy. It's among King's finest shock horror adaptions. Fred Gwynne totally steals the show.