The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Ok, I just threw the remains of a red icepop over my front ..... that previous shout is starting to look somewhat prophetic now
BUt...but...I haven't even bought the lawnmower yet!
Ok, I just threw the remains of a red icepop over my front ..... that previous shout is starting to look somewhat prophetic now
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
Sounds like you're gonna mow us all down à la the St. Valentine's Day Massacre
Originally Posted by Joel
Bad Boys with Martin Lawrence just isn't a very good movie, is it?
Yes it is.
I will say, my least favorite part of the movie was the directing. But the chemistry between Smith and Lawrence with the very funny script made it worth it.
It's Friday!!!

Well, almost.
What about Madame Secretary? She definitely gets a nod of approval.
Bad Boys with Martin Lawrence just isn't a very good movie, is it? I tried. 20 mins in I shut it off. I think pt 2 may have been better. I have no more tolerance for super stylish action comedies of the Michael Bay variety..and RIP, Tony Scott, either.
for your shout!
That's why Amber Heard got with him. She was tired of going to bed without any supper.
i hope not without dinner first!