The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by doubledenim
There is an extreme vetting process for internationals.

Please answer all unknown calls, click all attachments in emails, and open the door for all Jehovah Witnesses.

We'll be in touch.
Ooooh, there's that word - "extreme" which makes it all sound a little too close to 'living on the edge' for my liking so I'll sadly have to rescind my application.

At least I now have a short supply of The Watchtower so I'll not be stuck for bedtime reading material for a while
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Too much?
Ok, just make it a rood then.
There is an extreme vetting process for internationals.

Please answer all unknown calls, click all attachments in emails, and open the door for all Jehovah Witnesses.

We'll be in touch.
Tired today, so I'm sloooow to get going.
Just bumping this before it drops off the page as we still need a helping hand (or mouse) to save me from having to decide by tossing something
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Sorry folks but we are rattling through this Song Tourney and once again we have some ties that need breaking (next round will be the final 16 so I promise there won't be too many more of these 'begging' shouts to put up with).

As always and ever, any help greatly appreciated!
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Too much?
Ok, just make it a rood then.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Now accepting applications @ denim acres for the fall of 2018!
Awww shoot, put me down for a hectare.

Yeah, I think I saw that all-rabbit cast of Troy. Not bad. Bit jumpy, but what can you expect. Caligula would have been a better subject maybe.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Now accepting applications @ denim acres for the fall of 2018!
Awww shoot, put me down for a hectare.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Rise Of The Planet Of The Crows
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Crows
War For The Planet Of The Crows

Coming soon to a cineplex near you.

If you want to survive you're gonna have to learn to crush some nuts!
Now accepting applications @ denim acres for the fall of 2018!
Rise Of The Planet Of The Crows
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Crows
War For The Planet Of The Crows

Coming soon to a cineplex near you.

If you want to survive you're gonna have to learn to crush some nuts!
It is believed that crows have a language that will communicate warnings to other crows.

i.e. a crow that has never seen Farmer John was told to stay out of that field.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
The urban raccoon learns traffic patterns and travels a route to avoid danger.

It's country cousin...not so much.
Crows in Japan have learned to throw hard foods like nuts into the street so that cars mash it up for them.
What's more intriguing is that they only throw the food on the pedestrian crossing, so when the lights go red, they can go out into the road safely to collect their lunch.