The Shoutbox
Not all of them light up when you squeeze their belly?...
*eagerly awaits for an undermining/worm reference with giddiness!!!!* oooooooooooweeee!!!!!
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Actually we only really like trees because we are huge afeared of worms but shhhh, keep that on the qt 'cos the worms don't know and they can be right bullies if the mood takes 'em

Always undermining well thought-out plans, they are!

Actually we only really like trees because we are huge afeared of worms but shhhh, keep that on the qt 'cos the worms don't know and they can be right bullies if the mood takes 'em

I just assumed with chypmunks being fond of trees and all...
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
If any kind soul would be so accommodating there are two ties that need breaking in the Song Tourney.

As ever, any help muchly appreciated.
You can be Sonny, I'll be Cher.
Fab, why do I always have to be the sh1tty wife-beater
Mind you, at least my original face hasn't travelled up over my pate and halfway down my back by now

As always thanks for breaking the ties, muchly appresh
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
If any kind soul would be so accommodating there are two ties that need breaking in the Song Tourney.

As ever, any help muchly appreciated.
You can be Sonny, I'll be Cher.
I think Little Ceasar's stole Subway's jingle.
Originally Posted by Sedai
Just went on Twitter for 5 minutes. Now I am off to sit in my tub with my toaster.
Let me know when White Rabbit peaks.
If any kind soul would be so accommodating there are two ties that need breaking in the Song Tourney.

As ever, any help muchly appreciated.