The Shoutbox
The teaser trailer for my new movie uploaded!

If your jaw drops, see a doctor.
I already have the opening scene. I think it's going to make everybody jawdrop (which means it will only me).
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
I was thinking about making a Godard-esque film essay, but it looks like I'm just too lazy and I'd rather spend time watching a film than making it.
do it, its important
There is always the occassional un-pixelated video.
You still have lots to learn. Japan's been stepping up its censorship game lately, but the digital mosaic still reigns. Dude, it doesn't really matter. Just find some nice chickas. That's it.
digital underwear.."oh, what a world, what a world..."
And by pants I mean my undies ofc.
Dude, I'm a professional. I'm having sex in my pants -- just like every respected pinku eiga actor (the digital mosaic will hide it anyway).