The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Mr_TagoMago
Is the Suspiria remake gonna be the next Serbian film?
Meh. Taking this whole "the remake is so disturbing, you guys!" hoopla with a grain of salt. I'll believes it when I sees it.

Bring on the trailer.
Wow there hasnt been a change on the leaderboard since I joined. You shouters must need a bag of eccalyptus lollies for sore throats.

Keep on shoutin!
Avengingers: Fighting Forever was pretty good for a movie, and really good when you take the degree of difficulty into account.
Is the Suspiria remake gonna be the next Serbian film?
Originally Posted by Stirchley
Originally Posted by Tacitus
I've been on Tramadol for over a decade now. Couldn't function without it.
Same here. Even longer. What I did not know about Tramadol is that it creates a dependency. Not an addiction, per se, but still very hard to get off. If I don’t take my 50 mg. every day, the results are not pretty.
What are you on tramadol for, Stirchley? Feel free to tell me to mind my own business if you dont want to answer. I have one of the valium family here for panic attacks but I havent needed to use it much so far,thank goodness.

Powder, you still havent really told me why you think the opioid drugs are bad for someone like me. I cant envisage ever using it on the black market if thats what you're alluding to. My pain is real when it hits and I've never been one to let pain get the better of my but OMG the three nights I had before giving in and letting my husband take me to my hospital were beyond description.I've been through some pretty hard knocks in my life, including a BROKEN NECK(not yelling, just my fingers) and literally just got up and kept doing what I was doing, but this recent session even had my nurse sobbing.I dont feel I need to be brave annie oakley anymore. Have pain? I'm taking these drugs, man, but I'm still keen to read your PoV. Apologies if I've missed it.The same if you have one about hospital grade hand cleanser which I hear conflicting reports about but no one thus far has given me an answer. Until I get one that resonates with me I'll keep using it because at my weight now, I just cannot afford to get this killer flu currently in my country. Yes, I will predict you are going to say the hand sanitiser caused the super bugs' arrival, and I agree, but what can I go back to as a powerful nature's sanitiser?
Originally Posted by Tacitus
I've been on Tramadol for over a decade now. Couldn't function without it.
Same here. Even longer. What I did not know about Tramadol is that it creates a dependency. Not an addiction, per se, but still very hard to get off. If I don’t take my 50 mg. every day, the results are not pretty.
I've been watching Jimmy Dore on youtube a fair bit lately and CNN labeled him an 'extremist' the other day. Sweet Christmas. Truly, these are interesting times...
I guess it's "Deep State" on TCM today.. Some fine and realistic movies.
First round of the draft is complete. The picks are up on my draft post. First round was extremely interesting!