The Shoutbox
Nah. It doesn't depend on that much at all. People without capital still have access to demonstrably cheaper and better goods.
depends on whether or not you're one of the lucky sumbitches who's got any capital, but whatever
RE: Capitalism

Still the best system we have for a free society, as flawed as it is.
When I come back here after a long hiatus I think to myself how the old saying that you can't go home is bulls***.
TCM -- movies written by Hollywood 10 on Tuesday... (some on-demand)
As my friend John never tires of telling me, no man is an island. Except Fred Madagascar.

Seriously, he never tires of telling me this. Never. Never ever.
Yeah thanks yam we know about that one. We heard there was another. Worried about injured.
Originally Posted by Dani8
Was there another shooting? Weheard a city starting with c but haven't found anything s8nce
At a church in a small town in Texas
Was there another shooting? Weheard a city starting with c but haven't found anything s8nce
Just watched Dalton Trumbo, which is a true story of one screenwriter who was blacklisted. Excellent movie.
8pm/TCM - "Hollywood on Trial" (archive footage of blacklist)