The Shoutbox
I'm gonna leave this mic on to get the wind so we get a nice sway sound, it could take hours to get the right gust for the opening credits, and we need lots of space. No violent winds. I may take a nap, so I ask that if I do fall asleep, please wake me after an hour, and be very quiet. Also, when you wake me up, don;t scare me, Start your voice off soft and slowly, very slowly raise the volume so I wake up comfortably. If you scare me by shouting, you'll scar my heart tissue, and I'm not in the business of damaging my heart to get a film made.
Shoplifters you want to punch in the teeth
hi shoutbox, what ya chatting about
and rip out her dentures.
Of all the petty thieves I've ever chased down, I have two favs. The guy who tried making off with 3 tubes of Pringles in an electric wheelchair; and the Russian woman built like a pro wrestler that I tackled to the ground, who only stopped struggling and screaming when I told her to cut it out or I'd punch her in the face.
LOL. Every Thursday was shoppy list day. Always elderly women. The cops used to joke with me about tackling them to the ground and punching them in the stomach to see what goodies they had hidden in their granny pants.
Originally Posted by Dani8
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
Did you tackle the ole dear to the floor and punch her in the stomach?
I don't normally refer to methheads as "ole dears", but they cry easily so maybe I should?
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
Did you tackle the ole dear to the floor and punch her in the stomach?
I should have said "another". I always win those.
And won a pissing contest!
What a day!!!