The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Sarge
Oi oi. How are we all? Been a while
Ullo Guv. How's the running?
Oi oi. How are we all? Been a while
Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
why not just tag the person you're talking to instead of using the quote feature?
We can never see past the choices we don't understand.
You've already made the choice. Now you have to understand it.
Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
why not just tag the person you're talking to instead of using the quote feature? that way they still get a mention notification, and it's a lot easier than editing the quote down to size?
That could work. IF peole could follow instructions.
why not just tag the person you're talking to instead of using the quote feature? that way they still get a mention notification, and it's a lot easier than editing the quote down to size?
Get past the first track and don't judge, let the rest of the album become a background element and this just might be someone's bag...

I love that my out-law family only get me NOW, aftsr 13 years.

Sometimes humour appreciation is a long haul.
Really, we WANT to adhere to the rules, but if that entails a LOT OF WORK, **** it.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
Sometimes I quote, sometimes I don't. It comes down to laziness and to whether I'm responding to something specific that was said. It also depends on where I'm posting. If it's in someone's review thread or something like a HOF thread, I might not quote because there's a good chance that person will check that thread regularly. It does drive me crazy when people quote lengthy posts - like movie reviews - just to make one quick statement. Come on people, if you're going to quote something like that, edit the quote down so that others can understand what you're responding to without having to scroll through a long post that they've already read.
Yeah, I've asked a few people to try to edit those down. That's a textbook example of something new users do that drives regulars batty.

My quote etiquette has changed with the introductions of mentions, though. I imagine people actually rely on those now to check for replies, so I'm more likely to quote the person I'm addressing than before.
Please set the default to quote only the quote ypu're quoting. I'm 90‰o mpbile. Editong quotes is a PAIN IN THE ARSE. So tbese days I'm like **** it. Just quote everything. You'd rjink delwtig is eady, YES, ON DESKTOP. NOT ON MOBILE.

But seriously whp needs to quote aaaaallll the way bacl tp the original post whe there's back and forth? Change that template if you can. We only ever need the post we're actually replying to to quote reply.
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
Nah you're like a regular Swede for me.
Isnt a swede a root vegetable?