The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Originally Posted by Tacitus
Ever heard about the cancelled republican Teletubby, Tiocfaidh ar lala?

Join us later for more parochial, quarter century old jokes!
Gotta love it when Tac-Man tries to re-Gael us with jokes.
Originally Posted by Tacitus
Ever heard about the cancelled republican Teletubby, Tiocfaidh ar lala?

Join us later for more parochial, quarter century old jokes!
OH MY GOD. Is it ok if I show this to my fav Chucky Arla friend??? HE will LOL!!!
Originally Posted by Tacitus
Ever heard about the cancelled republican Teletubby, Tiocfaidh ar lala?

Join us later for more parochial, quarter century old jokes!
Gotta love it when Tac-Man tries to re-Gael us with jokes.
Originally Posted by Tacitus
Ever heard about the cancelled republican Teletubby, Tiocfaidh ar lala?

Join us later for more parochial, quarter century old jokes!
I've heard of a Teletubby Hakuna Matata.
He just sits around on his arse all day, not worrying about anything.
Ever heard about the cancelled republican Teletubby, Tiocfaidh ar lala?

Join us later for more parochial, quarter century old jokes!
In other news, Chyp, we need to have a talk about your avatar.

It's ok but if you change it to the teletubby baby sun, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE ISSUES.
Dude, she REALLY LIKED ME! Don't want to give her too much encouragement. Already exchanged phone numbers ffs!!!
Isn't that an old saying: "See a personal massage therapist, pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck"?

Or am I getting it confuddled with pins???
Just picked up a personal massage therapist. WOOO!!! I think this may be my lucky day!!!
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Son of Busey to play son of Busey character in the Predator for free!
Jake Busey playing Peter Keys Jr then?

The best part is that Shane Black told him they didn't have any money for him, but they wanted him in the movie.
Nobutada: [after Algren is defeated in fencing practice] Please forgive; too many teeth.

Algren: [puzzeled] "Too many teeth?"

Nobutada: Hai. teeth when smile, teeth when people talk, teeth when no talk - -too many teeth.

Algren: [sudden spiritual awareness]