The Shoutbox
This is true, but he tweaked his grammar this one time.
Originally Posted by Dani8
This is the sort of thing Yoda would say:
Developing compassion for others brings inner strength contributing to our own inner peace. This automatically reduces fear. This is important because fear and stress can lead to frustration, which in turn can lead to anger and violence. It’s not enough to say that violence is destructive, to prevent it we must address its causes, which very often are fear and anger.
Hmmmmm ..... sentence structures like Yoda sound do not!
This is the sort of thing Yoda would say:
Developing compassion for others brings inner strength contributing to our own inner peace. This automatically reduces fear. This is important because fear and stress can lead to frustration, which in turn can lead to anger and violence. It’s not enough to say that violence is destructive, to prevent it we must address its causes, which very often are fear and anger.

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

There ya go, Yods. Very nice.
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
Dani, I have a friend who's strikingly similar in looks to Casey Affleck. It's sometimes hard to look at a film of his and not see my friend.
Nice looking guy. Wow that movie really stays with you. I had a dream about it last night.
Biscuits! Aren't they great. I mean the things my north american friends call 'cookies'.
Dani, I have a friend who's strikingly similar in looks to Casey Affleck. It's sometimes hard to look at a film of his and not see my friend.
ZOMG you love Pig Destroyer!!! Yaaaaaas!!
*points at you reading this*
Steps before breakfast this morning: 600.

Normal service has been resumed
I thought it was stunning and well acted, but it upset me quite a bit, Christine. I really felt for the poor guy.
I thought it was a really good film too Dani. Quiet, but very affecting