The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Austruck
... although I too check the 10-day forecast (I've got that page open in a separate browser window right now, ha ha!) and love seeing the lowest daytime temps in the high 40s.
Mid 50's here, and I forever keep that same 10 day page open here.
Originally Posted by Austruck
Big blizzard of '92 here in Pittsburgh shut down the St. Patrick's Day parade. Just sayin'... We've got a month left of winter. Don't break out the shorts and sandals just yet.
I remember that very well. I was 5 months pregnant, and walking across a long sidewalk covered in ice. Every manager in that store had their face pressed to the glass, watching me and praying I wouldn't fall.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Wet and in the 50s here. We're sending it ya'lls way when we're done with it.
It rained here today, and was very annoying. It delays work. My bank account finds that very annoying, too.

Friday is dry, with a high of 77. Then it drops again by Sunday, I do believe. Back in the 50's, but for just a couple of days, roughly.
My stepdad keeps his mother's ashes in my folks' spare bedroom. I've just found this out.

Ask me anything.
Yeah I'm surprised his dad never told me before. I'm really thrilled for them.
Originally Posted by Dani8
I hope it's ok to put this here. Just speaking to my mate at the local service station. His son and some friends leave tomorrow for India to make a film spreading awareness about children in poverty. Such a lovely young guy and his dad is adorable.

Yoda if that is seen as promoting nuke it or not, as you see fit. *thumbsup*
Best of luck to them.
I hope it's ok to put this here. Just speaking to my mate at the local service station. His son and some friends leave tomorrow for India to make a film spreading awareness about children in poverty. Such a lovely young guy and his dad is adorable.

Yoda if that is seen as promoting nuke it or not, as you see fit. *thumbsup*
I prefer it that way, Optimus. We have a reviewer here in a mainstream news who can go for pages being a condescending pompous dog poop and I just dont read his self important drivel any more. Usually I only read professional reviews after I've seen the movie so I don't need some tool like that spoon feeding me with a war and peace novella about what happens.
Originally Posted by Dani8
I was disappointed when it ended
I got a few lists knocking about on here somewhere
You should see the MoFo Comics List.

At the time the most controversial list held on the site
Divided the forum straight down the centre the moment the countdown started.
Originally Posted by Dani8
You know those professional reviewers who give a lengthy synopsis and then one line of review? I dont like those.
I just tend to keep things simple.
You know those professional reviewers who give a lengthy synopsis and then one line of review? I dont like those.