The Shoutbox
Family Guy on telly and they've just shown this clip. Don't think I've laughed so long in my life.
Hmm, not sure. Will monitor. Thanks.
Mkxd771 seems to be just posting parts of other people's posts. I reported one in movie tab.
Talking of bathroom exhaust fans, I've got a friend who had a mouse crawl into his and die, just out of reach.

His entire house now smells like boiling cabbage.

I currently have a hole in my bathroom ceiling where my exhaust fan used to be: I hate fixing s***.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Who's debating watching the debate?
Not me. I purposely avoid the debates. I have reruns to watch somewhere.
Zingful should be a word, like zestful.
I leave that to the politicians.

Full of zingers today, me.
It is; but at the price of insulting fewer people.
Mine's snappier.