The Shoutbox
New obviously doesn't mean better and i've not seen either. but everyone other than HK has told me the newer one is a lot better.

That is the only one i'm interested in.
Originally Posted by honeykid
Watch the original series instead.
The one with Lorne Green? Please, that was new when I was a kid. No thanks. I'll take the newer one from this century.
Also, that new basketball game on facebook is addictive! I'm totally hooked! High score of 18 at the moment
Originally Posted by The Rodent
UK Health Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, has quit his job because his proposed murderous, inhumane and downright cruel benefit cuts to the sick and elderly were turned down.
Now we need to get that horrendous woman, Nicky Morgan, the head of education, out. We looked at the grammar tests that 10-11 year olds now have to do, and we, as a class full of 17-18 year olds were arguing over the answers to question 9 out of 48 it was inhumane.
That, and she refused to take the advice of professionals on the matter and did as she pleased anyway, there were mistakes in the questions themselves when we looked.
UK Health Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, has quit his job because his proposed murderous, inhumane and downright cruel benefit cuts to the sick and elderly were turned down.
Watch the original series instead.
Originally Posted by John McClane
I'm rewatching BSG.
Wow, good timing. I was just thinking this morning that I should rewatch that series. This clinches it.
I'm rewatching BSG.
What a jolly Paddy's Day celebration last night was. I was dancing in the street with a leprechaun hat on.