The Shoutbox
Eating healthy promotes strong metabolism. Most people eat total crap and don't realize it.
my stupid body is taking forever to get stretchy
Strange how the body works. Some people can't eat anything without gaining.
I get hungry every two hours or so. I keep runnin' outta food.
Originally Posted by Omnizoa
Super-metabolism comes with the disadvantage of being hungry all the time.
True. I eat very often and very big. Ime sure as i get older i'll get fatter, but i'll enjoy it for now .
I can relate to super metabolism. Ever since I switched to housekeeping I've walked twice as much as I used to at the hotel. I can now fit in my 30x32 Dickies. The same pants I bought back in 2011 when I started here.
Super-metabolism comes with the disadvantage of being hungry all the time.
its nice when you get poison removed from your body and you go down a jean size or more....
That's a cool ability. And it comes with the added bonus ability of making everybody hate you!
Ime quite lucky in the way i eat. Ime 6ft, 180lbs and i can literally eat anything at all and gain nothing.