The Shoutbox
Volkswagen and their emissions evading software could be viewed as preparation for joining NASCAR.
Just looked that mansion up it is a public park owned by the city of Beverly Hills now. Pretty crazy the amount of stuff that has been filmed there, thanks for that Rodent i'm always interested in stuff like that. Like the Wilhelm scream for example.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Heh! The hotel used in The Shining is the same one that was used in Dumb And Dumber.
Watching There Will Be Blood recently, I noticed that Plainview's mansion is the same as the one belonging to the Big Lebowski. That mansion with the checkered marble floor pops up in a few movies.
I've just checked that mansion. Greystone.

There's tons of high end movies and shows that have used it.

Eraserhead, Batman And Robin, The Bodyguard, Ghostbusters 2, The Prestige, Rush Hour, All 3 Raimi Spider-Man movies, Trek Into Darkness, X-Men, Knightrider, Death Becomes Her plus loads of others.
Yeah, it's all over the place but every time I see it I think "oh, hey, it's the Lebowski house".
thats terrible. Vladimir is a brittle diabetic, and he's had a stroke too. I wish he hadn't gone blind from the cataracts, but I'm grateful he's still alive and happy.
Go Big Orange doesn't happen until 7:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

I sure hope they win, but I don't think I'll watch.
I had that problem with my dog. She was a diabetic. She lived 9 years, roughly. The vet told me if she could live numerous years, which is impossible for dogs, but if they could, the cataracts would slowly go away. I will say that I saw it happening on her. A very small dot on the center of her eyes/on the center of the cataracts, that very slowly got a bit bigger. Nowhere near what it needed to be though, by the time she died. I wish like hell she could have lived as long as dogs normally do, though. She went through hell, on her last night alive. We both did. I tried like hell to save her/keep her alive until the vet opened. I didn't have the 200.00 required for the emergency hospital. Bastards! She died about 30 minutes before the vet opened. Here I was, trying to bag her up, and get her outside, while crying my eyes out. Now that was a sh!tty day. Just a very few years ago. Three or so. My mother died June 25, 2013. I think it was roughly a year before that.

Could I be more depressing right now? Sorry! I should probably get some sleep, anyways. I have to run some errands, in a bit, and unfortunately for me, I have loads of business to do today. Woo Hoo! Lucky me!
It sucks not being able to afford health services. My dog is only 5 and he's blind, but I can't afford the cataract surgery
Thanks! It does suck, and then I see these Laser Spine Institute commercials, and I hate to hear those people carrying on about how great it is, when I can't do that for myself. Too expensive. Oh well!
Glad your feeling so much better Destiny. That must feel like hell.
For the past couple of weeks, I've been a 100 on the 1-10 pain and nausea scale. It's been miserable and depressing. I changed the way I do my meds, today. I altered them quite a bit, because I knew a part of this was the pills making me sick. Anyway, for the first time in a long time, I'm a 0-1 on the pain and nausea scale. I can't believe how good I feel. I must share this in my thread, and catch the hell up on this board.
Try Out my Top 75 Favorite TV and Movies Theme Songs List. Posted number 75 and 74.