The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Cole416
We need a list to distinguish this, I felt embarrassed when I called Godoggo a he.
Actually that is a pretty interesing idea
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
He is. I'm pretty sure I saw him mention it.
Someone has mistaken Sane as a female before..
tbh, I think it's the avy that throws people off. Atleast that was my excuse :\
Originally Posted by Cole416
We need a list to distinguish this, I felt embarrassed when I called Godoggo a he.
We all make mistakes like that from time to time. I know I've done it. Though it does irk me when I get mistaken a for a male, despite my gender specific username.
We need a list to distinguish this, I felt embarrassed when I called Godoggo a he.
Originally Posted by Gatsby
I'm not sure if Gideon is a guy or not.
I'm pretty sure he is.
Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
Originally Posted by -KhaN-
Well, we do have "a list guy" now
We had a "list guy" already. His name is Gideon58.
I'm not sure if Gideon is a guy or not.
F*** Summer [2]
Not a fan of Summer, either. If it were up to me, it'd be deep Winter all year around.
It's gotten two degrees hotter outside since my last shout. F*** Summer.
I thought Sexy Celebrity is a woman! After all... I wasn't far from the truth...