The Shoutbox
It's gotten two degrees hotter outside since my last shout. F*** Summer.
I thought Sexy Celebrity is a woman! After all... I wasn't far from the truth...
Today I also get a post comment telling me Miss Vicky is a girl, I just couldn't believe what I just read, I will never be the same after this shocking surprise
Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
Ugh. I'm supposed to go to a barbecue in about half an hour but it's 100 degrees outside and I don't want to leave the house.
I would rather be there than here frezzing out (if that exist) I am sick because of the cold and every day I have to threw to the trash a crapload of tissues, god I hate winter!
Nooooo, Argentina lost
Getting close to my Top 10... just revealed #16 and #15.
Ugh. I'm supposed to go to a barbecue in about half an hour but it's 100 degrees outside and I don't want to leave the house.
I have a few things sitting by for threads which are pretty much ready to run... Should I ever bother getting around to doing any of them.
I'm thinking about making my own thread about beautiful women, just like NedStark did. I'm still not sure if I really want to make one.
Gatsby I was always thinking this but I never really said it. Your avatar remembers me to Jessica Lange.
Originally Posted by Cole416
I agree with jrs.
Woo Hoo!