The Shoutbox
Steve Jobs... that isn't a name, that's a statement.
Steve Jobs. Does he? Yes, Steve does in fact, Job.

Scottish MoFos will know what I'm on about,
Steve Jobs' house had a window. So according to that, Microsoft wins.
I'm sure he will, and yes, yes it is.

I'm sleepy, too.

I have a bunch of housework I want to finish, plus I have to spend all day today, helping a friend. The charger to my stupid iPad isn't working, so I need to get another one today. I charged it at my sister's this early evening, but it's at about 87%. I'm going to have to switch to it, until it dies. I can't just sit here like this. It drives me nuts, not moving around. As tired as I am, I'm still a hyperbutt.
Originally Posted by 需st铖y
Yoda's going to work something up that is much tougher this next time, and kick their butts.
I hope Chris does something soon. It's annoying as poop. lol
From what I've heard, it's something rather new. The last time they spammed the hell out of us, I stayed here all night, for two nights. It was nuts, and I banned 24 spammers in like a day, or a day and a half. Yoda fixed it up, where they couldn't get back in much at all, and the next thing I knew, Tatty was showing us other boards that they were hitting. It was this same weird spam. Yoda's going to work something up that is much tougher this next time, and kick their butts.
Originally Posted by 需st铖y
Different one, but I got it. Thanks!
Are forums like this more prone to spammers? I have never seen spammers attack like that on a site before until I came here.
Different one, but I got it. Thanks!
Originally Posted by 需st铖y
Thirty seconds or less, and only because I was dozing off. I see you trying to spam again. Too late, you turkey!
Spammer is still here.
Thirty seconds or less, and only because I was dozing off. I see you trying to spam again. Too late, you turkey!
Originally Posted by tatmmw2
Still waiting for someone to write yum or yuck to my dear milanesa
I just looked it up, and saved the recipe. It's very simple to make, and it sounds good.
Still waiting for someone to write yum or yuck to my dear milanesa