The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Yoda
Originally Posted by matt72582
I think freethinkers are the most discriminated group in this country
Sorry, but this is straight-up ridiculous.
Yeah, I totally second this one.
"Rambling is when the person is rambling" - that's a hell of a definition for rambling.. I'm curious to know how you define it.
Er, no, it's rambling when the person is rambling. Which is why you can see countless examples of me disagreeing with people all over the site in which I never accuse them of rambling.
When someone disagrees with you, it's rambling or not meaningful. My initial question was "Did anyone watch the CNN special?"
Sorry, but your rambling, topic-jumping style is basically impossible to follow or engage with meaningfully. If someone else wants to indulge it, more power to 'em, but for everyone else, kindly create a thread to house it.
They don't try because they would never be elected. Have you even heard of someone who ran for President as an open Atheist, even if they lost. Not one.

Also, most people don't meet someone and ask their religious beliefs, they assume it's similar to their own unless they look different.

The problem I have with organized religion is also WHO organizes it. I never see Christians talking about the issues "No sex before marriage" or "Thou Shall Not Kill" - in fact, those who scream loudest about god seldom believe in man - his #1 product.
Also 54% of Americans would vote for an atheist, which is a majority
If someone was a member of the church of scientology I wouldn't vote for them myself. Is there something wrong with that?
A big chunk of Americans would rather vote for someone with religious ideologies that ally with theirs. Doesn't mean it's impossible to be elected as an atheist, I also haven't seen many try.
You missed my point. It's that every group is accepted except for atheists. Now, if you want to talk about the level of discrimination - there aren't many atheists being lynched.
Here's a handful of exceptions. And if you think not being voted to high office in significant numbers constitutes not just "discrimination" but the "most discrimination" of any group, then you and I have wildly different definitions of the word.