The Shoutbox
I walked to work this morning. Not a particularly long trudge, but at -3 degrees, I was SO ready to be inside when I finally did arrive...
-6 this morning as I got in the car. The forecast earlier in the week had it at -11, so I guess we got off easy (heh).

It was -20 F in Michigan last night.. What about you guys?

The library closed (heater broke), and even places the heater works, it can't keep up with the cold, etc.
So. I had an interesting morning. Woke up a little after seven to the electric being off and it was -11 degrees. So, since the electric was off I had to go up to the dog kennel and bring in the Dachshunds because we keep them under a heat light in an insulated house. Anyway, on the way back from that I notice smoke coming from the chimney. Normally, that wouldn't be bad for anyone else....not here. We had a small chimney fire. Kicked the gas log on this morning to compensate for the furnace not running and it caught a birds nest on fire. Thankfully everything is fine now. The fire is out, I think, the electric is back on, the dogs are still in the house but I am going to leave them in here until it gets warmer.
Yeah, for you European MoFos, I'll definitely try to open the chat room a bit earlier so you can at least say hi and poke around.
I don't know that I'll be around for this one, either. Might make it for a while.
When the oscars is on it's between sunday night and monday morning ... Don't know if I will watch it yet.
Aw. Sorry to hear that, man.
I won't be at the Oscar chat Sunday
Originally Posted by Sedai
New guy on the forums today...

Pretty sure he likes Xanadu.

*cracks knuckles*
Doesn't Holden love Xanadu? Maybe it's his twin?

Speaking of Holden, I hope he'll join us for the Oscar chat on Sunday!
New guy on the forums today...

Pretty sure he likes Xanadu.

*cracks knuckles*