The Shoutbox
I'll be waiting.
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
If you want to get a lot of those album lists fast, the trick is to make them due A.S.A.P.


I got 30 in one day for my Top 100 Actors list this way.

Scare everyone into believing that the deadline is tomorrow morning.
But now that you've publicly proposed that idea, nobody will fall for it.
Mainly the first.
You mean auto-loading more shouts as you scroll down, or inserting new shouts as they come in without refreshing?
You ever think about what the Shoutbox might be like if there was continuous scrolling?
And now the grand total of votes is up to eight. We're getting there.
Originally Posted by Tacitus
Originally Posted by linespalsy
I didn't vote for any Beatles or Pink Floyd albums (I don't think I've ever listened to a Pink Floyd album).
I tried once. It didn't end well.

Looking at my list, nearly half of them are post-punk/New Wave albums.
The use of the phrase "It didn't end well" seems to imply there's some story here.
Pulp Fiction and Chinatown? Tough choice, and really really different movies....I enjoy Pulp Fiction mere, but from a cinematic standpoint, Chinatown is technically the better film...hard to decide.
Anyone seen both Chinatown and Pulp Fiction? Please tell me which you think is the better film and post in the IMDB top 250 tournament and it will help me out so much! It'll be a matter of seconds for you, and will prevent me from having to do a coin toss.
Pink Floyd = favorite band.. I've also heard every album so many times.. I had low expectations for the latest album they released after listening to the post-Waters stuff, but I loved it.. All instrumentals!