The Shoutbox
To all those partaking, enjoy your Thanksgiving.
"The deadline for submissions to the Movie Forums Top Animated Films list is close! Get yours in!"

That's what she said.
Which County you in?
Pool player eh Rodent. Tonight is our city league as well. I gonna play a spot of a County next year too.
Took another scalp in pool tonight... County player.

My game has improved tenfold in the past couple weeks.

Might take up playing Count again in the new season in January. Seems I have my game back again.
Originally Posted by The Sci-Fi Slob
Originally Posted by The Rodent
My chippy is probably selling fake cod.
Take the fish and hold it up to a light - if it has a metal strip running through it, it's real.
If we could +rep shouts, you'd get it for this.
Originally Posted by Sedai
Right, but Game of Thrones? What was I smoking??
I don't know. But then, you do like all kinds of crap.
Maybe drinking too much Arbor Gold.
Right, but Game of Thrones? What was I smoking??
At least it's gotten to the point where it's kinda funny.
There is always at least one day during these list countdowns that I end up angry at work when I discover I somehow screwed up my list.
