The Shoutbox
Oh, he's also 43 years old, and got married in 1998. Sorry.
The character's name was Tony, and the actor's name is Anthony LaPaglia. He has a role in the upcoming Road to Perdition, which is Tom Hanks' next flick.

As far as I can tell, he hasn't any really major roles as of late. He had some semi-noticable roles, I believe, in Empire Records as well as Autumn in New York. Still hasn't hit it big, though.
who played Mike Meyer's friend? That guy was a cutie...where'd he go?
"Charlie, what do you look for in a woman?"

"Well, I know everyone always says 'sense of humor,' but I'd really have to go with 'breast size.'"
Yay, someone picked up on it.

"Flooooat away, ya fairy!"'re going from, So I Married an Axe Murderer. Great movie..I LOVE the cappuchino line...
"Head! Pants! Now!"
Ed: I don't trust that kid as far as I could throw him.
Grace: Well, with your bad knee, you shouldn't be throwing anybody.
Be back later.
Have a good one.

"And that's the end of THAT chapter."
"I'm sorry, I think there's been a mistake: I believe I ordered the LARGE cappuccino."