The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Wouldn't surprise me...

When my tooth went, it actually made a loud bang noise in my right ear and my head got thrown off to one side.
I genuinely though someone had punched me... then I went temporarily blind in my right eye.

Put me off work for a few days too after my dentist refused to fix it.

I've had broken bones, serious burns, cuts, stitches... you name it... but spine pain (namely the discs) and toothache are the worst.
My doctor did a liver function blood test on me and now I'm on ESA, and I don't have to see those arseholes at the jobcentre anymore. Minimum wage is for morons.
Wouldn't surprise me...

When my tooth went, it actually made a loud bang noise in my right ear and my head got thrown off to one side.
I genuinely though someone had punched me... then I went temporarily blind in my right eye.

Put me off work for a few days too after my dentist refused to fix it.

I've had broken bones, serious burns, cuts, stitches... you name it... but spine pain (namely the discs) and toothache are the worst.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Toothache... second only to spine pain in my books.
Dam right! I bet someone somewhere has claimed DLA for toothache.
I had that when I was 15.

Half a filling came out and it felt like I'd been hit with a bat.

Went blind in my right eye too.
Had to travel 50 miles as no dentist would touch an unregistered patient, and my dentist at the time said it wasn't an emergency and refused to see me.

Toothache... second only to spine pain in my books.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Had some of my dental work today.

Mouth is numb, can't eat or drink... got spit all down my front and I've bit my lip several times already.

I look like I've had a stroke.

Can't even smoke properly.

Got more work tomorrow as well.
I had a tooth pulled about 5 months ago. They gave me 9 injections and the receptionist came in at one point and asked if we could keep the noise down because we were upsetting the people in the waiting room. The tooth had become rotten inside and the nerve was exposed. I was in agony. It took an hour to get it out, the dentist was knackered after it, looked like he'd just left the gym. lol
Had some of my dental work today.

Mouth is numb, can't eat or drink... got spit all down my front and I've bit my lip several times already.

I look like I've had a stroke.

Can't even smoke properly.

Got more work tomorrow as well.
The Top Thirty begins on the MoFo '70s countdown with #30 and #29. Up on the docket is another Best Picture Oscar winner, this time one of the very few comedies to take that trophy, and one of the most stunningly photographed films, ever.
Originally Posted by Camo
Originally Posted by MovieGal
I asked a question in the "Movie Question" section 3 weeks ago.. no one responded or probably even looked at it... its ok.. it was an obscure movie and Im sure very few people would have even attempted to watch it...
Originally Posted by MovieGal
I asked a question in the "Movie Question" section 3 weeks ago.. no one responded or probably even looked at it... its ok.. it was an obscure movie and Im sure very few people would have even attempted to watch it...

I tried searching for it and the only movie that came up was Tokyo Gore Police, and i seriously doubt that's it. Maybe asking JirrafeJustin or Honeykid who seem well versed in these types of horror movies. Or Mark F who has seen every movie ever made

its a very obscure film... even the person I watched it with.. doesnt remember watching it.... He's into horror as much as I am...... he actually said to me "that sounds like a fun movie to watch"... I said "You watched it with me!!"
"Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love"

Ah, that song never gets old.
I was watching the travel channel this morning. So yummy.