The Shoutbox
And send me your lists, Lollygagers!
G'night, you Cinematic Reprobates.
Sorry, I'm sleepy.
Originally Posted by rauldc14
And still Yoda, Sedai, Daniel, and Pussy to go
I now seriously think that Fourth Down and Pussy to Go should have been the title of Joe Nameth's autobiography.
Them, plus many more. I will start naming names if I don't see some ballots by noon.
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Alrighty, I am going to bed. Or trying to. We are up to 84 ballots, with just over twenty-five hours to go.
And still Yoda, Sedai, Daniel, and Pussy to go
As far as you know.
And that's not a euphemism.
I hope to wake up to multiple ballots in my in box.
Alrighty, I am going to bed. Or trying to. We are up to 84 ballots, with just over twenty-five hours to go.