The Shoutbox
And that's not a euphemism.
I hope to wake up to multiple ballots in my in box.
Alrighty, I am going to bed. Or trying to. We are up to 84 ballots, with just over twenty-five hours to go.
Originally Posted by John McClane
I honestly don't get how Israel can justify it's bombing of Gaza.
They can't. Explanations =/= justification
I honestly don't get how Israel can justify it's bombing of Gaza.
To go with the nostalgia, I'm using the very first ever avatar I ever used on MoFo...
I won't be at my ends until the 20s. Just me though.
I'm kinda at my ends really... the 70s list was hard enough even though it took all of an hour to compile my list but a 60s list and 50s list... Psycho... and erm... maybe one more...
I'd love to run the 50s lists. Of course, I'm going to have to work on my graphics to even light a candle compared to Holden.
GOOD NEWS! I am not needed for jury duty!
Only have one ten and one fifteen. List out of eighty-one. I'll take that ratio.