The Shoutbox

No thanks...I'm actuall gettin tired...I was yawning at 7 frickin o clock tonight..
Ha...challenge the potato in checkers...figures. You know who's in your league, and who's on an entirely seperate level.
Just be sure you don't run home cryin' to your mommy...wanna play checkers?'s all fun and games till someone gets hurt...
well, play nice then. C'mon...we'll have fun.

I've got no place else to go...
Go ahead 'fraidy cats! I want the boards all to myself anyhoo! *sniff*
Um...I think I have to go now...the porch light has come on...The sun is going down, and I'm taking my ball with me..
Crap, Sades is here. RUN!
Hi KIDS! Can I play? Good. I'm gonna spoil all your fun!

Oh're not here anyways...