The Shoutbox
If the lightning bolt didn't, that pun probably left him stricken.
WOW! Harry Lime. You had a striking experience. If you know what I mean.
Originally Posted by Harry Lime
I almost got struck by lightning over a week ago. Probably 10-20 feet away from me. The visual details at that distance were amazing and the sound was fierce. Also made me think of Greenaway's short Act of God for a while afterwards.
That's what I meant awhile back when I said you were going to have an accident in an above ground pool. I meant you would almost be struck by lightning. I got confused because in my vision, I saw water in an above ground pool attracting lightning and you were there. My visions work in symbols.
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
One of them will get struck by lightning here in a minute and then we'll really be onto something.
I almost got struck by lightning over a week ago. Probably 10-20 feet away from me. The visual details at that distance were amazing and the sound was fierce. Also made me think of Greenaway's short Act of God for a while afterwards.
True, 18 points already though, but I'd be surprised if they keep the 0 PA. Score prediction:

Seahawks: 15
SF: 7
Understandable, but it's not that super unusual for a game like this to blow open in the second half, so we'll see what happens.
I have so much regret for not playing Seahawks D
One of them will get struck by lightning here in a minute and then we'll really be onto something.
I have Wilson on fantasy my opponent has Kap, both are in negatives
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
Russell Wilson has entered the building.
I'll alert the media.