The Shoutbox
When I grow up I want to be very phallic representation of the early 2000's teenager.
"Not that there's anything wrong with that."
"Correction....I was bald."
"I saw Joe DiMaggio at Dinky Donuts."
No no, it's like THIS:

"These PRETZELS are making me thirsty."

I miss that show.
It's not a fetish kind sir, making you feel a little iffy is a little funny.

Yeah, I saw 'em. They were disturbingly hilarious.
"These pretzels are making me thirsty."
It's a in-joke.
Much like Travis.

In fact, T, if you go back into the database you'll find a riproaring couple of shouts about Travis teaching us the meaning of life.
Ew. Like, really ew. A lot.

Silver's got a really weird food fetish going on. I'm reminded of George Costanza.

"These fries are REALLY good!"
Wuh? "Mrs. Pauls Does Dallas"?