The Shoutbox
You're not nipping anywhere, pal....
You watch yourself. I'm the Shout master. If I wasn't at school and had no life, well, you'd be history.
I need to do some Pysch homework today.
Sigh. Gardammit.
70 shouts and I catch up to you my feel me nippin at your heels?
I'll be on here late tonight...gonna get some work done...YAY!! WORK!!
Bye Bye Patti!
I'm having a really great day.

Shoutbox with my Buddies.

hope you guys are still on in an hour when i get to come back and play. if not have a swell night. -patti.
Silver, you crack me up.....the scottish post. i just PMed you.
Excuse me a moment, I believe it is my turn....

Well...consider that a kick in the balls...HAHAHA
Ugh. A PM from Spud.

Like a kick in the balls from a mule.