The Shoutbox
The need for a community you belong to is strong.
There have been a handful of users over the years who I felt ultimately wanted to just write a blog, but posted on the forum instead because it kind of tricked people into reading something they wouldn't have otherwise.
I need to leave MoFo and start a film blog. Nobody will read it which would make it obscure and therefore cool. Thoughts?
Originally Posted by Sedai
Confirmed. I saw it myself in a movie, which I now understand to be a documentary instead of a bad sci-fi as I originally thought.
You watched ole Johnny again didn’t ya?
That was Keanu's clone!!
Confirmed. I saw it myself in a movie, which I now understand to be a documentary instead of a bad sci-fi as I originally thought.
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Keanu Reeves will save us from the AI.
Keanu Reeves IS AI.
Keanu Reeves will save us from the AI.
I heard they made a docudrama about it starring Keanu Reeves.
Come to find out, 1999 was when the AI became sentient and saved us from Y2k.