The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Mr Minio

Sure, and Marvel has none of that either.
Maybe not for you, but there is a reason it is the highest-grossing movie franchise of all time, and by a huge margin, too.

But you don't have to watch them! Nobody is gonna force those movies on you!
Sometimes trash can be worthwhile though.
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Modern technology allows people to watch whatever they want Minio...
But that's even more of an indictment! They have access to all those gems and yet they still choose the worst of trash!
Originally Posted by Allaby
Not every film needs to be a steak dinner. There is a place for pizza and ice cream. Fun, entertaining movies can have value too.
Sure, and Marvel has none of that either.
Modern technology allows people to watch whatever they want Minio.... Someone wants to watch nothing but silents because they feel that sound ruined cinema? Yeah, they can watch silent films all day long if that's what floats their boat...
Not every film needs to be a steak dinner. There is a place for pizza and ice cream. Fun, entertaining movies can have value too.
Anyway, why would anyone want to watch American movies like this when there are American films like this:

And like this:

And like this:

And like this:

And like this:

Film as art, film as a language. Auteurs that actually TELL you something, auteurs that actually SHOW you something. Marvel tells you nothing but "eat, watch, and forget". It shows you absolutely NOTHING. It gives you NOTHING. It's NOTHING.

Plenty filmmakers have ideas, but few have a thought I read somewhere. Marvel doesn't even have good ideas.
I'm watching Freddie Steps Out on Tubi and the baby is the best actor in it.
My review of Age of Ultron:

A fun, satisfying superhero movie. Brimming with action and enjoyable performances, it is even better than the original. Could use more humour but still a blast.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
it was such a chore to get through.

Were you OK afterwards, or did they have to take you to the ER?