The Shoutbox
but i think we can both agree that anybody still arguing for the SLS needs to have their head checked.
Originally Posted by Sedai
That's dismissive and reductive, and sort of minimizes the blood, sweat and tears of everyone else involved.

Really, really bad take.

Straight up wrong, also. Time to stop letting Elon rent all that space in your dome!
nah, i think it's quite on point with the new reality of space travel. no one cares.

it's tough to have wonder for any of it when the guy that is spearheading most of the developments is obsessing about a pseudo-gender war and flagrantly contributing to the de-education of society. if anything, i feel sorry for all them employees. but yeah, sure, they put a big tube up in space and brought it back. woo!
That's dismissive and reductive, and sort of minimizes the blood, sweat and tears of everyone else involved.

Really, really bad take.

Straight up wrong, also. Time to stop letting Elon rent all that space in your dome!
like, i can go back and watch the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and STS launches and say to myself "damn, that is amazing. look at what we did."

with Starship all it generates in me is a meh. there's no vision, and there's no greater good. there's nothing but the ego of a troubled man.
my argument is essentially the following: Elon is not for the collective good.

is it good for space travel? yes.

it it good for humanity? debatable.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Originally Posted by Sedai
4th time is the charm, I guess.

Starship launch + splashdown is a success!

the shot of the engine plumes as it's hauling ass is easily one of the coolest things we humans have built. of course, it's Elon so the whole thing is squarely mid.

"Coolest thing ever...mid..."

Alrighty, then!
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