The Shoutbox
Yup. You know what kills me? When the Academy Awards do those tributes to all the movie people that have died that breaks my heart.
Oh how sad...
Yes to both. She and Tony Curtis are the parents of Jamie Lee and she was in Psycho.
Janet Leigh's dead? Is that Jamie Lee Curtis's mum? The woman that was stabbed in Pyscho? Am i getting all this totally wrong?
Sandy, you're the only person I know who can make "Yes, Ma'am" sound like "screw you". The Fog w/Janet Leigh
Janet Leigh died...
hey nebs....looking forward to it...from the energizer bunny...
Hi energizer bunny, sorry I haven't written, will soon, love nebbs
Originally Posted by Zzat
i want a plasma 51"
good luck with that
i want a plasma 51"
Tacitus is giving me a TV, I hope, eek