The Shoutbox
Hi Naisy!
Originally Posted by Zzat
Which one [do] you want the most?
As far as books go, either Movies As Politics by Jonathan Rosenbaum or The Warrior's Camera by Stephen Prince.

As far as DVDs go, well, I'm fairly easy to please, but I'm particularly interested in Godard's A Woman is a Woman, Jafar Panahi's Crimson Gold or Brian Flemming's no-budget independent film, Nothing So Strange.
zzat comes from tazz
stuff it, i tried, but sleep says "come to me" Im off fellers (again) but in a couple of days Ill be back with a huge posting spree, see you around!
and zzat comes from where?
duh my name is right there "Zzat"
and just who r u?
but we do have kiwi fruit....
yes, we have no banana's...
Must have gotten too small again....