The Shoutbox
But you don't necessarily know a person's age through his voice. That's what I mean. I've known many older men who's voices become feeble as they grow older...very feeble. I'm impressed in those that remain strong and clear.
Well put Chris... there is something about his voice that just commands a person to stand up and take notice of what he has to say... It be awesome to have that gift.
I think Poitier's voice commands respect BECAUSE of his age, not in spite of it.

You're such a kid sometimes, Commish.
Poitier was awesome...and yeah, he looks amazing for his age. And his voice...I have some odd kind of respect for an elderly man who's voice commands attention (especially in spite of being as soft as Poitier's is) despite his age.
Let's see, Redford's award, all five of the nominated songs to be performed then awarded, and those big six from the Screenplays to the Picture. Yeah, this should be over about...4:00am.
Well folks... only supposed to be a half hour left, LOL.
Poor Bob Redford has to follow THAT?!? Poor bastard.
Watching the Oscars makes me want to take a week off of work and watch movies 24 hours/day. There are so many classic movies I have yet to see... so many films, so little time.
Poitier is AMAZING.

I hope I look that good at thirty-five, forget seventy-five!
Wow... what an amazing man
Aight, Shore took it! Way to go...that score is amazing. I've heard it a dozen times. 9 for 14.