The Shoutbox
Like not enough web up his arse, or too much, so that's it's really riding up there.

That's gotta bug you.
No pun intended.

Well, yes, it's a fictitious character, but this is the only character I can think of that is the most human. The emotions are real, all that stuff. Just a superhero everyone can relate to. Has normal people problems and whatnot
Explain how a "Spiderman" is REAL, Spudly!!

And what's the Gorilla Deathwish?! What's happening?! IS IT THERE?! HAS THE TIME COME!!??
It's hard to explain...
BTW, I have a Gorilla Deathwish.
How so?
Explain. "Real"! Pft!

Spider-Man is the shizznit. The most "real" super-hero out there
That wasn't funny.
It worked in my head.

You're pathetic.
I hate Super Heroes.

Except for "ME MAN!"
Damn...just missed the trailer for Spider-Man on tv. I will be back in a couple of minutes.
Your very silly.
Sillier than even I originally anticipated you may be.