The Shoutbox
okay, yeah...I can see how eyes all over your papery, brown, dirty attractive to others. Then, when you peel back his skin and reveal that lushes, starchy, whiteness...OH YEAH!
Man I wanted that reaction...

ENOUGH! (That was so damn funny!)
Damn, missed it by 7 seconds. Needless to say, I concur with Matt.
I must disagree. Spudly is extremely cute.
Nobody is cuter than Spud
My pug is so cute Spuds! Cuter than you.
I should take an mpeg video of it this week and upload it for you guys. The dog weighs 60 pounds and is all muscle, the cat weighs 7 pounds... it's so lopsided that it's almost not funny
Just picturing a dog head butting a cat is hilarious.
My Ridgeback is great...they are the only dog that was ever raised to successfully hunt Lions in Africa. I was reading about how they do it and now I understand the dog better. They attack in a pack formation and head butt the lion in the shoulders until it falls down... this explains why the dog comes flying across the room and headbutts my cat into the wall... it's hilarious to watch though b/c the cat can fly upwards of 10 feet I've even trained the mutt to 'get the cat'... LOL.