The Shoutbox
I should take an mpeg video of it this week and upload it for you guys. The dog weighs 60 pounds and is all muscle, the cat weighs 7 pounds... it's so lopsided that it's almost not funny
Just picturing a dog head butting a cat is hilarious.
My Ridgeback is great...they are the only dog that was ever raised to successfully hunt Lions in Africa. I was reading about how they do it and now I understand the dog better. They attack in a pack formation and head butt the lion in the shoulders until it falls down... this explains why the dog comes flying across the room and headbutts my cat into the wall... it's hilarious to watch though b/c the cat can fly upwards of 10 feet I've even trained the mutt to 'get the cat'... LOL.
I had a black cat at one time that we called Arsenio. Well, it was my sisters cat and her kids named it, they moved away and couldn't take him with them so we took him.
I've had two dalmations in my life...loved 'em both. Both went bye-bye.
I have a vanilla lab. I love that dog.
I dated a girl in high school who had several pugs... and damn were they ever obnoxious Well actually they were either cute and adorable or drooling and obnoxious!

I am more of a big dog type person myself... I really would never have anything smaller than a lab. We've had huskies, labs, and now the Rhodesian Ridgeback and I think the smallest was 60 pounds.
a PUG!? I had an english teacher in high school that had a pug...They called it pugsley. Ugly dogs, and they drool over everything. Pugsley, however, never kept his tongue in his mouth.
LOL... we just got a Ridgeback awhile back... strongest dog I've ever had, which is amazing considering how slender they are.

Humm... Have to get to work, but I'll PM ya tonight or something Geoff.
What did you think of the Water Drip and his use of that green outside like at her apartment Mighty
Oh! Oh yeah...I got a puppy. A Pug. His name is Moby. He's so wittle and cute. Makes snuffle noises when he sleeps.