The Shoutbox
Good night all.
You know what I love about this forum compared to all the others I've been at before? Arguments die down very quickly.
Hey, OG- -- That "Wonderfalls" deal from DDDVD came in the mail today. (I got "Planet of the Apes" for free.) So now I have to choose between watching the next disc of BSG (which showed up today!) or "Wonderfalls."

But, nothing till Christmas -- The next day and a half is filled with holiday prep and family! But then the schedule goes right back to normal starting Monday morning. So I'll watch all these cool shows during my down time in the evenings. Yay!
Evening all.
Good afternoon to you.
Good morning all
Well, yeah...except that...

But the party mentality is the good part
Yeah, except for that underage drinking and illicit drugs stuff....
What is it about this years Miss USA contestants? They're much perfect.
My point is, graphics wow the crap out of people and in turn, hook more people. Gameplay just keeps them coming back for more. Graphics don't have to be amazing 10 years from now, the gameplay does. See what I'm saying?

Yes, I'm glad it went well too. Read my Oh Crap thread for the details if you haven't already.
Well, no, I don't. Because I can still play Myst and enjoy it the same as when it first came out. But, bear in mind, a point-and-click game like Myst has nothing BUT graphics. (And story.) Although the graphics were great for its time, what drew me into Myst was the story, the incredible story. Ask my kids (especially Yoda). We were fascinated with that game, but not because of the graphics. We stayed up till all hours of the night playing the game because of the gameplay, not the pretty pictures.

Glad the date went well.