The Shoutbox
I hate being one of those people that can keep calm in emergencies. Perks of a chaotic childhood.
Made the second cup of coffee and there is no hope. Feels like all the gears in my brain are missing teeth or slipping off the chain.

No reason. No bad eating. No drinking. Just out of my routine for this many days and my body is rejecting this notion of work.
I can't seem to get myself going either....
Legit dragging ass much more than yesterday...
After vacation Tuesdays
are Mondays in disguise 🥸
bleck, tuesdays!
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by Corax
Stop, we're already wet just thinking about it. Also, congrats on your impending grandchild.
Showed him *guns*. Freudian.
Multiple *guns*, might I add. Daunting.
Originally Posted by Corax
Stop, we're already wet just thinking about it. Also, congrats on your impending grandchild.
Showed him *guns*. Freudian.
Just wait 'till I reach for my Super-Super-Soaker!
Originally Posted by Corax
Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler
I have a gigantic super-soaker.
Stop, we're already wet just thinking about it. Also, congrats on your impending grandchild.
You are so bad, its funny.