The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Yoda
Oh man, shoes. I kinda wanna start a whole thread about shoe problems. I can't be the only person who has them.

I might have more of them than the usual, though. I've got pretty big feet, for one, a little on the wide side, for another. And one ankle is slightly (but noticeably, when wearing shoes) bigger than the other.
Definitely opt for wide widths then. It makes a difference. In some brands I have to get the W or they'll feel too tight. And I don't really have wide feet, per se.

Your uncle, BTW, has flat feet. Like, FLAT feet. No arch whatsoever. He's had trouble getting shoes that are comfortable.
Oh man, shoes. I kinda wanna start a whole thread about shoe problems. I can't be the only person who has them.

I might have more of them than the usual, though. I've got pretty big feet, for one, a little on the wide side, for another. And one ankle is slightly (but noticeably, when wearing shoes) bigger than the other.
You also wear shoes?
Thinking about it, I'm so similar to normies and yet our lives are so disparate.
Fair, then stop walking on nails.
If I meant insoles, I would have said insoles.
Just use insoles
One thing I tend to spend a bit more on, is decent shoes. Too bad that even on allegedly "good" brands, the soles are terrible. Usually have to re-sole in less than a year.
I'm pretty sure the slogan for Payless Shoe Source is "Suffer more".
the audacity
Hmm, a colleague implied that I'm biased against non-Japanese art. I call bullshit on that! Chinese art is amazing, too!