The Shoutbox
'portly'...I love that word! so funee.
Well, I'm glad you're enjoying your warm weather.
Everyone wants to see my sexy, white as a ghost legs!!! And you forget, us 'portly' gentleman have insulation which keeps us warm and free of goosebumps!
because it's cold...and no one wants to see your goosebumps. It's nice here, too...
Whooo Hooo!!! Finally a beautiful sunny day so I can where shorts without being looked down upon as a freak by everyone I happen to passy by!!! I'll never understand why people think it's strange to wear shorts when it's below 50.
I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts about that one Pats... Spud and I have an interesting conversation going on Mulholland;f=1;t=32 (yet another shameless plug )
spudly? ahhhh. guess i missed ya. sorry. aw well. catch ya later.
i was elsewhere. are you still on? i'm going nighty night. i had to do a load of daughter peed on all the sheets. ewwww.
I guess you'll just tell it to me later cause you're not active...Night
helooooooooooooo i just finished watching mulholland drive.